Our Event

Our Events

The Southern Cameroons Relief Organization (SCRO) aids refugees in Canada. The organization does this by organising monthly town halls, amongst other things, to have conversations on opportunities available, advising them on life and laws in Canada. Basically any issue you have in Canada as a refugee, you’d have members of the organization to help you out.

Socially, (before covid-19) SCRO organizes yearly bbq events for refugees and members of SCRO to gather and have fun while sharing a meal.

In all, SCRO assists refugees in Canada settle into their new home.

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SCRO in a Southern Cameroons awarness programme.
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SCRO attending a networking and fundraising event
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Venue: Transformer life Ministry, 285 Old Kingston Road, Scarborough Church service will be held bimonthly to pray for our people. The first church service will be held on the last Sunday of January, please check the date. As Ambazonians, we have to come together and ask God to have Mercy for us, show pity on us and help stop the ongoing slaughter of our people and burning down of whole villages in Ambazonia.

Venue: To be announced I will distribute the flyer once it is available. The funds raised from this event will all be sent to the Ayah Foundation to assist IDPs and refugees/prisoners who are victims of the Cameroon government’s unlawful arrest and detention.

Funds will be used for humanitarian work for refugees in Nigeria and internally displaced people in Cameroon. Prisoners and wounded people will not be left out. Main purpose of fund faiser will be for children’s education.

The BBQ will be organized to bring Ambazonians together, to relax and relate informally with each other. It is meant to bring together the family, so that we can strengthen the unity amongst us and let our children get to know themselves and be familiar to each other, because they are the future members of the Ambazonia community in the GTA.